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CINEMA: the different genres! Cinema

1 2 match genres pdf 3e81 2 match genres pdf 3e8 (181.85 Ko)

Now play the game to memorise!

Listen to the two audio recordings

Piste 46

Piste 47

Make a table and pick out all the positive and negative adjectives



1 4 correction positive and negative adjectives


Pour aller plus loin...


And you can train and play! Game




Movie buff

Read the PDF and answer the questions Student

1 1 movie buff ce 3e81 1 movie buff ce 3e8 (159.81 Ko)

Correction of of the PDF

1 2 correction movie buff1 2 correction movie buff (464.85 Ko)

Pre production

Now let's discover the different steps to make a film!

1 2 how are films made 3e81 2 how are films made 3e8 (229.23 Ko)

Star Wars

Star warsStar Wars Phantom Menace

One Read the text


Two Answer the questions in the PDF

The making of the Phantom Menace | QuestionsThe making of the Phantom Menace | Questions (390.47 Ko)


The making of the phantom and questions | correctionThe making of the phantom and questions | correction (392.17 Ko)

Passive voice

Strategy Time to think

1 2 time to think 3e81 2 time to think 3e8 (64.39 Ko)

School Exercices

1 4 passive voice exo 3e81 4 passive voice exo 3e8 (64.42 Ko)

Steven Spielberg

One Open the link and browse through the content of Spielberg's life

Go to this LINK

Two Now open the PDF and answer the questions 

1 2 steven spielberg worksheet 3e81 2 steven spielberg worksheet 3e8 (167.29 Ko)

!AIDE! Consulte la page dédiée à Steven Spielberg et navigue sur tous les éléments afin de répondre aux questions du PDF.


Le superlatif (la supériorité): 

Spielberg's fanzone (exercices en tout genre):

click HERE