CINEMA: the different genres! 
1 2 match genres pdf 3e8 (181.85 Ko)
Now play the game to memorise!
Listen to the two audio recordings
Piste 46
Piste 47
Make a table and pick out all the positive and negative adjectives
Pour aller plus loin...
And you can train and play! 
Movie buff
Read the PDF and answer the questions 
1 1 movie buff ce 3e8 (159.81 Ko)
Correction of of the PDF
1 2 correction movie buff (464.85 Ko)
Now let's discover the different steps to make a film!
1 2 how are films made 3e8 (229.23 Ko)
Star Wars
Star Wars Phantom Menace
Read the text
Answer the questions in the PDF
The making of the Phantom Menace | Questions (390.47 Ko)
The making of the phantom and questions | correction (392.17 Ko)
Passive voice
Steven Spielberg
Open the link and browse through the content of Spielberg's life
Go to this LINK
Now open the PDF and answer the questions
1 2 steven spielberg worksheet 3e8 (167.29 Ko)
!AIDE! Consulte la page dédiée à Steven Spielberg et navigue sur tous les éléments afin de répondre aux questions du PDF.
Le superlatif (la supériorité):
Spielberg's fanzone (exercices en tout genre):
click HERE