Asking price
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Diapo how much (326.52 Ko)
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Ouvre le PDF et essaie de trouver le prix qui correspond à l'aliment
Worksheet tim prices (259.4 Ko)
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How much is it exo adapte (55.14 Ko)
How much is it exo non adapte (57.86 Ko)
How much?
Pour demander combien un aliment/objet coûte en anglais, je pose la question : how much ?
Si c’est du singulier (un seul aliment) je demande : How much is it?
Ex : How much is the phone ?
It’s 100 pounds
How much is the milk ?
It’s 2£50 (two pounds fifty)
Si c’est du pluriel (2 ou plus) je demande : How much are they?
Ex : How much are the baskets?
They are (it’s) 60£ (sixty pounds)
How much are the apples?
They are (it’s) 10 pounds.
Au Royaume-Uni, la monnaie s’appelle “the pounds” (£), Aux Etats-unis, la monnaie s’appelle “the dollars”($)